Lit by Jayne 28th July 2022
Today we say our final farewell to Uncle John, you've been in my live since I was 13 years old I was so proud to tell people that you and a lot of our family members where in the fire brigade. Always remember when the kids used to ask me about there homework most of the time I didn't know the answer so I used to say to them to go and see uncle John he will help you and you didn't just give them the answer you went through the whole in and outs of it all. When I sadly lost my Mum and Dad you and Auntie Barb was there for me without you both I don't know how I would of coped, although we have always been close, you and Barb took over the role of being my substitute Mum and Dad you helped when I needed you both. Seeing you in the last month's it was hard but you still used to pull a few jokes and make us laugh. As my promise to you that day in the hospice I will look after Auntie Barb for you. Sleep tight you will never be forgotten xx
This candle went out on 28th August 2022.